Saturday, February 27, 2010

Highlight of our day...

When Daddy comes home from work...
Love them!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Snow Day

Some will say it's no big deal, but it snowed in Temple today!! We missed the last snow we had so this was officially Mason's first snow. It has been pouring snow since early this morning and it hasn't stopped. It is beautiful outside. Mason was so intrigued by the white flakes falling from the sky.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Just another crazy week....

There is always SO much going on in our house, but I love never having a dull moment!
Mason has been sick with a cold since Saturday. I think he has allergies, but I'm not a doctor. We have spent a lot of time loving and playing this week. I'm hoping he starts to feel better soon. I took Mason to get a haircut this morning and when we left he looked like an Aggie. He has so much hair and she buzzed it all off. He no longer has his cute little comb over. Ill post a picture of it soon. He's still precious, but he's a Baylor Bear not an Aggie.
I know a lot of people have asked when we are moving into our new house and I can FINALLY say it's SO close! We were scheduled to move in December 15th, but December turned into January and January turned into February. They are scheduled to put in our landscaping today, a few paint touch ups left, and our appliances will be here next week! After we get all of our permits etc. we can finally close! I know Mason is just as ready to move into his new house as we are. We started building in June and my little trooper has gone with me to pick out toilets, hardware, lighting, paint, furniture, you name it. We are so excited to have more space and room for our growing family.
Here is a sneak peak of our new home. I will post more pictures when we move in.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

1JOHN 4:19
So many reasons to love today.
I hope you're loving everyone and everything around you, too!
The Martins

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

10 months

Mason turned 10 months old on Saturday!
Mason has 5 teeth now
He's trying to walk and standup by himself
LOVES his bath (We even play in the tub during the day minus the water=)
Likes to sing (babble)
Only says Dada.
Eats almost anything. Loves bananas!
Still sleeping through the night...7pm-7 or 8am (yay!)

Time flies when you're having fun.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Mason's new teether!

I couldn't run fast enough to get my camera when I saw this...I found Mason chewing on the rubber inside the washing machine. He has been teething the last few weeks but this was a new trick! I have found him chewing on dog toys, sponges, utensils, shoes, cabinet doors, his crib, you name it! Poor little man.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Derek and I left Mason with his Gammy last weekend and headed to Dallas. We stayed at Hotel ZaZa. If you are ever in the Dallas area I would highly recommend staying here. It is such a fun, trendy, happening spot. We love it! The suites at the hotel are different themes so this time we had to choose between the Erotica Suite or the Gamers Suite (video games/sports etc.). We chose the Erotica Suite which included a stripper pole! If you know me well you should know I am the farthest thing from a stripper =) After dinner at Al Biernats with Morgan and Derek and only 25 minutes at the Mav game, we headed back to ZaZa. We had a few friends over at Dragonfly and then we all headed back up to the room to hang out and well you on the pole! It was such a fun night to hang out with great friends and just get away. We LOVE Dallas!

Morgan, Derek and I
Richard, Jarrod, Derek, me, Morgan and Megan
Me and Morgan